I haven't found an up-to-date list of packages that use/support the wonderful PGF/TikZ library, so I went through the latex packages in the latest TexLive and found these. It's not exhaustive but it's better than nothing. I excluded some libraries that use pgf/tikz under the covers (e.g. chemmacros).
- aobs-tikz - overlayed pictures in beamer
- bloques - control blocks
- blox - block diagrams
- bondgraphs -
- braids - braid diagrams
- celtic - celtic-style knots
- circuitikz - electrical and electronic networks. NB: tikz 3.0.1a has builtin support for some circuit libraries that was inspired by this library.
- csvsimple - uses key-value syntax from pgfkeys
- diadia - diabetes diary
- endiagram - potential energy curve diagrams
- forest - linguistic trees
- hf-tikz - highlight formulas
- hobby - a tikzlibrary implementing John Hobby's algorithm for cubic bezierz curves
- makeshape - method of creating custom shapes in PGF
- mframed - Framed environments that can split at page boundaries
- ocgx - Optional Content Group support (layers)
- pgf-blur - blurred shadows
- pgf-soroban
- pgf-umlcd
- pgf-umlsd
- pgfgantt
- pgfkeyx
- pgfopts
- pgfornament
- pgfplots
- prooftrees - based on forest
- sa-tikz "a library to draw switching architectures"
- spath3
- tikz-3dplot
- tikz-cd - commutative diagrams
- tikz-dependency - dependency diagrams for linguistics
- tikz-dimline - technical dimension lines (e.g. showing a widget is 4cm wide, etc)
- tikz-feynman
- tikz-inet - interaction nets
- tikz-opm - Object Process Methodology diagrams
- tikz-plattice - particle accelerator lattices
- tizk-qtree - 2012. NB: tikz 3.0.1a (and maybe earlier) has extensive built-in support for trees
- tikz-timing - timing diagrams
- tikzinclude - importing images
- tikzmark - mark a point in a page for further use
- tikzorbital - molecular diagrams
- tizkpagenodes - extending current page nodes
- tikzpfeile - arrows
- tikzposter - generate scientific posters
- tikzscale - absolute resizing
- tikzsymbols - great collection of symbols that started with cookbook symbols and then grew
- tkz-orm - Object-Role Model drawing. NB: *not* part of the TKZ collection.
- visualtikz - excellent visual documentation for tikz: extensive collection of simple examples showing syntax and result
The Altermundus TKZ Collection
This collection of PGF/TikZ libraries by the prolific Alain Matthes is so awesome it deserves its own section. Some of the documentation is in French only. (Note the spellings, tkz v. tikz)
- alterqcm - two-column multiple choice questions (Fr)
- tizkrput - macro for placing stuff
- tkz-base
- tkz-berge - graphs (En)
- tkz-euclide - an amazing library for doing good old fashioned geometry. The doc is in French but if you know TikZ you can probably figure it out; if not, its a very good reason to learn French.
- tkz-fct - 2d function plotting
- tkz-graph - more graphs (Fr)
- tkz-linknodes - links between lines of an environment (En)
- tkz-kiviat
- tkz-tab - very fancy table support (Fr)
- tkz-tukey